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 Derby Scottish Association
and Burns Club

 Scottish Dance Class

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Covid compliance

In preparing for each dance class or function the organisers will assume that attendees will be fully vaccinated, in accordance with current guidelines appropriate to their age and medical status.   Potential attendees at functions or dance classes will be expected to STAY AWAY if they are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, ‘flu or other respiratory viruses or have been in recent contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.

Dance Class

We are a Scottish Country Dance group, and are part of DSABC (Derby Scottish Association and Burns Club).

We meet most Monday evenings from September to June in Allestree on the North side of Derby.  Additionally, we run a Saturday afternoon dance with live music each year in February/March, and End of Season and Christmas Party evenings on Mondays in June and December.

We have around 35 members, with typically about 20 each evening.  We are always keen to welcome new members, each dance is explained, no previous experience of dancing is necessary.  You can come as a couple, or on your own - there will be someone for you to dance with.

The Info page gives a detailed description of our evenings, a complete list of dates is on the Calendar page, and if you have no idea about Scottish Dancing then the New to dancing page will start you off.

Whether you are already an experienced dancer, or just looking for something new to try, we look forward to seeing you.

Melbourne Festival
Melbourne Arts Festival 2015

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     Liversage Court Care Home
     in Derby on Burns Day 2019

ASCDS logo    We are a member of the ASCDS (Association of Scottish Country Dance Societies).